PartsHub makes it easy for you to find and correct any invalid Fitment (ACES) data based on the most recent version of the VCdb.

Each month, the VCdb will release a new database update which often includes new vechile IDs, dropped vehicle IDs, or changed vehicle IDs. This usually results in some of your ACES data showing up as invalid due to ID changes.

PartsHub will highlight your invalid fitments and identify the reason for the invalidation. There is a provided report on the dashboard that will show you your list of products that have invalid fitment data. Once you are veiwing the parts within that report, click directly on the number within the "fitment" column to access the data, or click on the part number and navigate to the fitment segement. From there, click "edit" and you will be taken to an index listing of all your fitment data. 

  1. Filter to see only the "invalid" data
  2. Find the ! icon next to the check box and hover over it. This will tell you why the data is labeled as invalid.
  3. PartsHub will give you three reasons for the invalidation error:
    1. Dropped Vehicle ID from the VCdb
      1. The invalid vehicle attribute will appear in red. When you click on it, you will be able to see and select the valid attribute.
    2. Invalid Vehicle Combination based on the chosen attributes
      1. The user should evaluate the vehicle combination of YMM and selected attributes.  You can start fresh with a new YMM model search and look up and assign the valid vehicle combination options
    3. Duplicate Vehicle
      1. PartsHub will only keep "duplicates" that have Fitment notes that do not match.

If you have any questions about correcting invalid fitments, please reach out to us via email at or send us a chat!