Asset height: Vertical measurement of digital asset file

Asset type: Indicates the asset type in relation to the item

Asset width: Horizontal measurement of digital asset file

Background: Indicates what type of background is in the photo

Color mode: Digital asset color mode

Effective date: Date for when this digital asset is in effect

Expiration date: Date for when this digital asset should no longer be used

File name: File name of digital asset as uploaded into system

File path: Select a Field or Value to see Hints

File size: File size of digital asset as measured in Kilobytes (kb)

File type: File type of the digital asset uploaded into the system

Item description: General description for the use of the digital asset

Orientation view: Indicates the angle or orientation of the photo. User-defined orientations are maintained at Global account level

Representation: indicates this photo is of the actual product corresponding to the part number

Resolution: DPI (dots per inch) of digital asset

Unit of measurement: Identifies pixels, inches or other measurement units for use with various Asset Types